
Shelving System!

Here's a shelving system I designed! 

Don't know what to call it yet..



Seiern er vår, Seiern er vår, vi har vunnet - seiern er vår

Therese Johaug

I shed a tear when you got a break from Bjørgen and Kowalczyk
I shed a tear when I saw you ski through the mass of red white and blue flags down from Frognerseteren
I was crying when you gave your last push up Hellnerbakken
I was bawling when you got the Norwegian flag
and screaming when you passed the finish-line

What an athlete! What a race!



Hello Peeps.. 

Sorry, been qiet for awhile.. computer died!

Heres the logo for my team for the Bolton Trust competition, which I perhaps should mention we are in the SEMI-FINALS!

Here's a rather organic one..

This is a more accurate version of our 2D version

Our logo has had a brown backdrop in the 2D version.. Something like this?

Yes, I know I am pretencious - here's the gold version, er.. in case we win :)



Valentines Day: Just Another Good Day In My Life

What can I say.. I am a happy person, and I live a happy life.. 

"I live in a dream, a wild one that eats sunsets like sweets"



The New Formula 1 Star

Whent Go Karting the other day

Won by 0.03 seconds before flatmate :)

24.76, that cost me:

-My lower back got all bruised up from a VERY bumpy track (Breaks are for pussies)
-I managed to make myself car sick (Yes.. I drive THAT fast) 
-My hands got a cramp during driving (Yes.. I fight THAT hard)

I like driving go karts


The Old Friend

Was bored when I was working..

Concentrate.. Concentrate, Seb!

Some.. *cough*.. Might say I have an obsession with spirits



Ode To Bed

This goes out to all lonely beds out there.
All beds, from the hobo bed to the millionaire

You who are so soft and fluffy
Oh, how you make me feel so gruffy

Gruffy in the morning
When the alarm sounds without warning

When the chimes of death (alarm) call me awake
You are there to embrace my bodily ache.

Though sooner or later I must leave
and even when a day is long you must believe

Because after the sun comes the moon
as it rises from the horizon like a baloon

That is when I hear your call 
even all the way to the capital of Nepal

Those feathers so soft
Oh Lord! Its like a pidgeons loft!

There is no bar to your call, my heart
becasue you comfort is indeed a work of art

You know my bed
unlike the dead

I will return
 to my lonely bed.


Confessions and other pictures!

Heres some pictures I took back home in the cold land! Some of these are DEFFO going on my wall!

 Frozen Drammensfjorden!

Ray Bans. I thought I got these pretty cool
And then my favorite of the day - the car park!

Balls of Fury

Balls of Fury... Giggle Proof!

More pictures above!


Assassins Creed III

Had some fun in Photoshop.. I really think the lads at Ubisoft ought to have me as the main character in the next Assassins Creed!

Nothing is true, everything is permitted!

(ill be coming with an update on how my Van Dyke beard is coming along as well soon!)




My mother took this picture of me today.. Did some editing, and voilá... At least somebody can take good pictures!



Winter Wonder Fan Land

Ah, finally some vacation, and since somebody is missing posts on my blog (though I hardly understand why) I've mustered up all my energy and put up some pictures I took the other day around my home town!

Parking Lot.. I liked the dirty ground, sort of..

Sick Moon


Car hasn't been used for awhile?

Lonely plant


Stuck on the airport...

I got up at.. 6:50 this morning so that I could be at the airport @ 7:30.. Well I still don't see any plane and its 11:22..

You could say I am starting to dislike this very hard bench..
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5


Regina, Regina!

This must be one of the absolute best songs ever made!

Regina Spektor
"Summer In the City"



Fijitsu LifeBook

Heres the first test render of my LifeBook for Fijitsu..  A lot of detail to fix.. But it looks alright!

Go Fijitsu!


Karate/Finger Sticks

This is perhaps one of the more odd projects I have done.. Its called a Chindogu - an almost useful object..

^You can probably see the use here^
I might even make a proper "poster" for it if I take the time :)

HAYA! Karate Sticks!

By the way: They are for eating sushi.. 


My Fridge

I went with Jeffa, and Stine on a little shopping trip.. When I stumbled over It... Oh yes, I want this friedge in my house.. (Sorry for the shaky picture, was taken with my phone, and Jeffa was shaking in exitement)

Daniel Nannskog.. FTW


Fijitsu Lifebook Slogan - Take that apple!

I am currenly working on a design project for a Fijitsu competition, and I need a slogan..

What do you think about:

"LifeBook, becasue we are not all vegetarians.."

Take that, Apple!



Why 2011 Sucks

I have TWO weeks between Easter vacation and Summer holidays.. 



Yes, they are my feet..

I decided I wanted a go in the foot-model business


Play the movie underneath while reading my post..  (Start it around 10 seconds, and read slowly:))

Who are you.. Who am I.. Where are we.. Why are we here.. What is life.. Perhaps the question is; Why are we here - together?

This is my epic journey through time and space.. Through the unknown skies.. Through the barren lands.. And home to your hearts.. (Don't read on before you hear the piano)

My journey to become a product designer.. A man with no knowledge at all.. Yet knows everything (thrumpets..)

This is is not the beginning.. but it is a beginning..
